For an in-depth learning of the fundamentals of Nonviolent Communication and a journey through “Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life“ by Marshall Rosenberg, please join Bren Hardt, CNVC-certified facilitator, in an 8 week study: Making Life Wonderful.
If you are eager to know and follow your own heart, to discover a path to inner freedom, to start creating a world that seeks to value and meet the needs of everyone including you, then join Bren Sundays from January 10 to Feb. 28.
This 8-week, highly interactive learning community will explore the transformative practices in Marshall Rosenberg’s book Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life, 3rd Ed. (Puddle Dancer Press, 2015). If you apply what you read, discuss, and practice, you will feel the magic of empathy, become a proponent of self-empathy, and understand how to bring presence to any situation for collaborative problem solving.
Course is perfect for the beginner, or a sound refresher for returning practitioners.
What if I can’t attend live? While live attendance is preferred, sessions will be recorded and sent via email to those who sign up for the series.
- What is unique about this course? Rosenberg’s compassionate communication framework is a powerful tool we can use to make authentic, heart-to-heart connections. Being heard, understood, and accepted is one of the most powerful gifts we can offer one another. It is also a gift that those around us desperately need. This group provides an opportunity to create peace in the world by creating peace within ourselves, as well as between ourselves and all with whom we speak.
The requested amount is $180 USD per participant for the 8 week series. You will also need to buy a copy of Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life.
Houston NVC supports all economic levels and does not turn away participants. Please contact Bren at [email protected] to make a request for tuition assistance or scholarship, as needed.
BEFORE CLASS: Please read the introduction and first two chapters of Marshall Rosenberg’s “Nonviolent Communication, A Language of Life” and come ready to practice. If you have never used Zoom as a meeting option, come a few minutes early to get settled with your technology.
Dates and Times: Sundays at 3-5 pm CT from Jan 10, 2021 to Feb 28, 2021.
Cost: Requested Contribution of $180