Nonviolent Communication
“We are dangerous when we are not conscious of our responsibility for how we behave, think, and feel.”
For a light, honest, and humorous introduction to typical communication versus compassionate (NVC) communication. check out Yorem Mosenzon’s Vulnerable Honesty.
Kathleen Macferran’s The Art of Listening provides a perspective of how NVC can change your listening – allowing you to express it as a powerful act of love. It includes powerful examples of how we all change…when one person is heard.
In his pioneering book, Nonviolent Communication, Marshall Rosenberg describes NVC as, “the integration of consciousness, language, communication, and means of influence.” Giving real life examples and conversations, this simple yet powerful read is endorsed by Arun Gandhi, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, John Gray, Jack Canfield, Tony Robbins, Dr. Thomas Gordon, Riane Eisler, and others.
When you’re ready to get started, take a course and/or join a practice group. For current workshops, click here. For ongoing practice groups, click here.
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a way of living that aims to connect people across differences. It uses a needs-based language, movement, emotions and strategies to bring us to a place of peace within ourselves and with one another. It is based on the work of Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D. and countless trainers certified through the Center for Nonviolent Communication.
It embraces the principles of nonviolence embodied and advocated by Betty Williams, Henry David Thoreau, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Leo Tolstoy, Dalai Lama, Rigoberta Menchu Tum, Mother Teresa and many more leaders.