The founder and author of Nonviolent Communication, the late Marshall Rosenberg, was deeply interested in the common thread found in the world’s great religions and wisdom traditions. Drawing from them, Rosenberg was able to language their essential beliefs, values, and character traits as universal needs: the heart of Nonviolent Communication. Despite this, the topic of religion- albeit messy- and its potentiality within the framework and paradigm of NVC remains largely unexplored in circles of learning and teaching of Nonviolent Communication.
HoustonNVC invites you to explore the intersection of religion with Nonviolent Communication in this first-of-its-kind course offered online this fall. The course will be led by two seasoned Facilitators/Trainers who have spent much of their adult lives in search of beauty and meaning and perhaps surprisingly, have therefore aligned their unique religious beliefs with the practice and spirit of Nonviolent Communication.
We ask that participants have some level of NVC in the form of having read Marshall’s book, having taken one of our Fundamentals of NVC workshops, or another equivalent. Please email us if you have any questions regarding this request.
Karen Starz MA, MAEC, and CNVC Certified Trainer
Karen is a consultant, coach, speaker, and facilitator. The connection with Marshall Rosenberg’s work and NVC came naturally and peaked further, ongoing exploration into the foundations of NVC. Her background spans many areas, from interpersonal relationships to businesses, schools, and non-profit organizations. Other services she provides include mediation, conflict resolution, and curriculum writing. Her approach to NVC is based on embodying the whole of nonviolent consciousness to create an automatic, empathic, somatic response, and awareness. Karen aims to bring social change through learning and is particularly interested in the spiritual connection that NVC fosters.
See more at www.karenstarz.com
Jamil Popatia, CNVC Certification Candidate
Jamil struggled to find his purpose, identity, and a sense of belonging while growing up in Western Canada with immigrant parents. Jamil now considers these struggles as opportunities to build resilience in an unpeaceful environment. It wasn’t until his 30s that he discovered what dignity, purpose, and meaning would be for him. His response to his environment was to explore ways of nonviolently addressing interpersonal conflict. As a counselor, mediator, and trainer his passion is balancing empathy with authenticity in all interactions. Jamil considers this use of nonviolent communication to be dignified dialogue in that it is true to compassion and connection. Jamil is particularly interested in the intersection of faith, spirituality, and NVC as seen through the lenses of the religions of the world.
See more at www.DignifiedDialogue.ca
We welcome all religions and belief systems: faith-based or otherwise. Please come with curiosity and a willingness to explore the intersection of needs-based consciousness and spirituality.