The founder and author of Nonviolent Communication, the late Marshall Rosenberg, was deeply interested in the common thread found in the world’s great religions and wisdom traditions. Drawing from some of them, Rosenberg was able to language some of the core beliefs and values as universal human needs; the heart of Nonviolent Communication. Despite this, the topic of religion and its potentiality within the framework and paradigm of NVC remains largely unexplored in circles of learning and teaching of Nonviolent Communication.
HoustonNVC invites you to explore the intersection of religion with Nonviolent Communication in this unique course offered online this winter. The content and structure will build upon the Religion and NVC course offered in the fall of 2020, although having attended the first course is not a prerequisite. Sessions will be led by 2 seasoned Facilitators/Trainers who have spent much of their adult lives in search of beauty and meaning aligning their unique religious beliefs with the practice and spirit of Nonviolent Communication.
All belief systems are welcome whether they are religious, secular, or atheistic. You’re invited to bring tough questions and have courageous dialogue.
Dates: Tuesdays from February 2nd through March 9th, from 7-9 pm CT
Cost: $290
Payment plans available upon request.