Join us for eight sessions, every Thursday at 10:00–11:30 am CT, from May 7–June 25, on Zoom.
We’ll be integrating NVC skills to increase choice, compassion, and optimism in your world.
Why optimism? We either make ourselves miserable or resilient, the effort required is the same. By noticing what’s going well, brain chemistry synchronizes neural activity between its hemispheres resulting in improved clarity, creativity, & peace of mind. Optimism supports learning and skills integration. Plus, it’s positively more fun.
What’s the plan? You will be offered content, skills, and practice to integrate the 4 Components and 3 Modes of NVC. Each week will focus on a fundamental NVC skill, emphasizing time to practice so you can use what you learn right away. Our time together will spotlight how you can shift your perspective & communication to have more choices & greater satisfaction in all your relationships, self included. The class is designed to be valuable to you whether you identify as a new or seasoned NVC practitioner.
How do I sign up?
Suggested contribution for the series: $180. This exchange is hoped to spark joy when considering what you received. There is a second option to contribute what feels good to you and River after completing the series.
Information & Registration: Register here. Your enrollment is secured by committing to the full series.