We are very fortunate to welcome David Weinstock, CNVC Certified Trainer, back to Houston for three days on March 20-22, 2020.
Cost: Early Bird-$390; After Jan. 14, 2020-$450
Daily Schedule: Friday 9:30 to 5:30, Sat. 9:30 to 5:30, Sunday 10-5:30
Location: The Dominican Sisters of Houston, 6501 Almeda Rd., Houston, TX
Information: Click here
Registration: Click here
Practice embodying nonviolence through movement and play. Whole mind/body/linguistic practice, engaged over time, is where we come face to face with the history we’ve embodied, our deeper selves, our most profound gifts, and the motivation to connect more compassionately in the world.
• Develop your empathic listening faculties
• Cultivate a centered presence in stressful times
• Make decisions and take actions that align with your values
• Nurture intimate connections and cultivate community
David Weinstock is an international trainer of Nonviolent Communication, a Somatic Coach, Aikido instructor and author of “Becoming What You Need”: Practices for Embodying Nonviolent Communication“.
Rooms available for $40/ night (only 20 rooms-call Karen Starz for reservations 505-379-2771)
Free Introductions to Nonviolent Communication:
For those who would enjoy a refresher or a basics class on NVC, we (HNVC) are offering a free online class on Saturday March 14, 2020 (10am- 12pm CST) and another in person on Thursday night March 19, 2020 (7pm-9pm) at the venue. David will not be going over the basics. It is recommended that you join one of these classes if you are new to Nonviolent Communication.