Susan Wildin MD, CPC invites you to a 4 session, 8-hour, experiential, online workshop being offered for medical professionals of all types: doctors, physician assistants, nurses and nurse practitioners, therapists, medical social workers, etc. We will explore and practice with the following:
Maintaining work/life balance and knowing how to take care of yourself to avoid burnout.
Collaborating with patients to find the best way to treat the patient with the most cooperation from the patient and family.
Creating harmonious or at least workable relationships with other medical professionals to maximize the quality of patient care and personal satisfaction.
Working within the system to encourage change that will create more patient and personal satisfaction.
We will meet online every other Sunday (June 13, 27, July 11, 25) for 4 sessions from 2 pm -4 pm CDT. We will learn the basic premises and components of the process called Nonviolent (or Compassionate) Communication (NVC) with opportunities to practice concepts and to role-play real-life situations.
Susan Wildin, MD, CPC was a developmental pediatrician who worked in private practice and academic settings. She now shares NVC and coaches people in the caring professions.