Do you think of money as a need? Want to be a part of a collective experiment on money? Do you have some belief systems getting you down, or some thoughts about money that bring up anxiety and fear?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this workshop is for you. With facilitation by Karen Starz, CNVC Certified Trainer, we will explore a new paradigm of giving and receiving, within the context of a nonviolent consciousness.
The aim is to honor all the energy we expend while dancing out the door with joy. This is a 5-week course and the more people who come, the more we will have to work within our collective energy pile.
This is an online course on Saturdays from June 20th to July 25th, 3-5 pm CDT (no session July 4th). Register here.
The request for contribution is $10-$100. Your choice.
Registrants will have access to recordings.