Trainers & Facilitators
“Let’s shine the light of consciousness on places where we can hope to find what we are seeking.”
River is a certified trainer for the Center for Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He did his first training in 2003 with Marshall Rosenberg, the developer of NVC. Since the 1980s, he trained directly with and continues to integrate teachings from Ken Keyes, Jr., Ram Dass, Osho, Arnold and Amy Mindell, Roshi Joan Halifax, and Rupert Spira. Since 2006, he’s offered NVC programs in New Mexico, Texas, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware.
River embodies a commitment to align with, and to share with others, what he learns using the heartful principles of Nonviolent Communication. His role in life is to spark trust that anyone can live a life filled with grace and gratefulness. Regardless the circumstances. Really. It’s simple, but it does take some initiative, learning and daily practice.
NVC consciousness is the glue that joyfully bonds him and his partner of 12-years together. Using NVC with heartful intention continues to transform every relationship in his life.
River is vice-president for the Network for Nonviolent Communication. He is a trainer for Heart to Heart, a mediator and circle-keeper with Good Shepherd Mediation Program, and a support group facilitator for the Alzheimer’s Association. He also coaches individuals and business teams. He invites email connection [email protected].